Recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics
According to the AAP policy statement on developmental surveillance and screening, “it is appropriate to perform additional developmental screens using validated tests. These screenings should be recognized separately, with appropriate coding, billing, and payment and with the additional cost acknowledged in capitated expectation.”
The policy statement provides “a list of developmental screening tests and their psychometric testing properties,” noting that “these screening tests, which are focused on parent-completed tools, have acceptable psychometric properties.” The table includes the SWYC Milestones under “general developmental screening tests”, the BPSC and PPSC under “behavioural screening tests”, and the POSI under “Autism Screening: Promising Tests”.
Lipkin PH, Macias MM, AAP Council on Children with Disabilities, Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. Promoting Optimal Development: Identifying Infants and Young Children With Developmental Disorders Through Developmental Surveillance and Screening. Pediatrics. 2020;145(1):e20193449